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Krug Grande Cuvee Edition 170th 750ml 法國庫克香檳


Krug Grande Cuvée is born from the dream of one man, Joseph Krug, to craft the very best Champagne he could offer, every single year, regardless of annual variations in climate. Since 1843, the House of Krug has honoured this vision with each new Édition of Krug Grande Cuvée: the most generous expression of Champagne.

Krug Grande Cuvée is re-created every year, beyond the notion of vintage and is a blend of over 120 individual wines from more than 10 different years. The fullness or flavours and aromas achieved by this careful art of blending would be impossible to express with the wines of a single year.


Krug Grande Cuvée 誕生於一個人 Joseph Krug 的夢想,即每年釀造他能提供的最好的香檳,無論氣候的年度變化如何。 自 1843 年以來,Krug 酒莊每推出一款新版的 Krug Grande Cuvée 都以這一願景為榮:香檳酒的最慷慨表達。

Krug Grande Cuvée 每年都會重新創造,超越年份的概念,融合了來自 10 多個不同年份的 120 多種獨立葡萄酒。 這種精心調配的藝術所達到的飽滿度或風味和香氣是無法用一年的葡萄酒來表達的。

Krug is one of Champagne's most prestigious houses and its wines are among the most collectible and expensive in Champagne. The house was founded in 1843 by Joseph Krug, a native of the Mosel region in Germany, who had moved to France and spent some time working for Jacquesson, the leading Champagne house of the time.


Krug 是香檳區最負盛名的酒莊之一,其葡萄酒是香檳區最具收藏價值和最昂貴的葡萄酒之一。 這家酒莊于 1843 年由出生於德國摩澤爾地區的約瑟夫·克魯格 (Joseph Krug) 創立,他移居法國並在當時領先的香檳酒莊 Jacquesson 工作了一段時間。

Barcode C-55554411
Item Type 香檳
Is Featured
Reference Website https://www.krug.com/
容量 750亳升
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